Exhibit N

Our Unalienable Human Rights

We the People Hold These Truths to be Self Evident

  1. We Own our Rights.
  2. Our Rights are Unalienable.
  3. Our Unalienable Rights are Universal, Global and Eternal.
  4. We the People and our Unalienable Rights are Sovereign over Governments, Public Servants & Man-made Codes.
  5. The Sovereignty of our Unalienable Rights is a Self-Evident Truth as evidenced throughout history:

a.     by the laws of Nature & Commonsense.

b.     by Cicero, a prominent statesman in 1st century B.C. i

c.     in our 1776 Charter, the Declaration of Independence; ii

d.     in the Constitution that prohibits our Unalienable Rights to be “legislated” or “adjudicated” iii

e.     in the 1948 U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights; iv

f.      by the U.S. Supreme Court Government Imposters themselves. v

6. Every living man & woman OWNS their own Human Rights.

7. Our rights are Unalienable and endowed by the Creator as affirmed by the Declaration of Independence.

8. They are derived from Human Dignity as affirmed by the UN. Universal Declaration of Human rights.

9. Our Unalienable Human Rights are eternal, equal among and to men and women, apply equally and universally wherever they reside

10. No man or woman can strip, steal, seize, deprive the rights of any other man or woman except in VERY limited instances if someone has been found guilty of a crime against another man or woman by a jury of their peers in a legitimate court of law,  NOT by another man or woman wearing a black dress.

11.  No man-made government or code can deprive, infringe, strip, seize or trespass our Unalienable Human Rights nor is any such man-made code required to affirm, acknowledge or avow this Self-Evident Truth.

12. No one can “consent” to any deprivation of our Unalienable Rights nor other unlawful act or crime.

13. Any pretense of “voluntary” consent is void ab initio, tantamount to the absurd notion of “consent” to RAPE.

14. Any man-made code that contradicts Sovereign Natural Law or deprives our Unalienable Rights is not a “law” at all – it is invalid & void on its face.

15. Our Unalienable Rights are limited only by laws that secure due recognition and respect for the rights of others and meet the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.

16. They are not “civil” or “constitutional rights” – they are our Unalienable birthrights that we own because we were born & exist.

17. No one can profit from their unlawful actions. Where one’s right is invaded or destroyed, the remedy is to protect it & damages for its loss.  Where one’s right is denied the remedy is enforcement.

18.  legitimate governments are established for the main purpose to Ensure, Secure, Protect Defend & Enforce our Sovereign Unalienable Human Rights, our Safety and our Peace.

19. These fundamental doctrines are founded on universal doctrines of truth, justice, order, reason, consistency & is unchangeable, eternal, commonsense doctrines of morality, respect for human as affirmed throughout history.



i Cicero, stated that human law ought to be in conformity with eternal principles of “right reason” & our rights are inherent, universal & unchangeable.

ii We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed,

iii Article I Section 8 | Constitution Annotated | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

iv Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Universal Declaration of Human Rights | OHCHR

v. Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356 (1886)